How Should i deal whit a disrespectfullplayer?
If a player is being disrespectful they will be muted/gagged accordingly to the severity of the disrespect and then will be
given a verbal warning for their actions. If the user continues to be disrespectful they will be kept muted/gagged until the end after few rounds or even the end of the map. If they then continue after being muted/gagged for a long period, then they will be dealt with higher staff.
What is ghosting??
Ghosting is where a Dead/Spectator gives information to a Runner or Death that they wouldn’t have known themselves, in which gives the person an advantage to others. The information can be given over Skype, TeamSpeak, Steam Chat and even in-game.
How much time can you spend per-day on the server?:
On School days i maby arount a half hour
and in the weekend i l play 3 a 5 hours
Why I should be chosen
shh i dont say why i will say when im chosen'
i will be happy
i will help the players
i will mute or gagg if i need to do that
i will do things waht i said in the apply
i will be a good mod [not the best]
i will be dispectfull
extra what i want to say
im not that good making apply im 10 years old
i will be that crazy im not like you guys i will do the things whagt i said i swear
[Deathrun Moderator] ItsYeBoy Application
8 years 1 month ago #463856
Hi there, you may need to fix your application a bit.
Your game trackers don't link to anywhere.
I don't know if this is a mistake by you or put in the app template by mistake/on purpose, but ;
Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to Surf for the first time?
I Will Ask If He Needs Help Or IL Ask If He Needs Help on Playing ANd
How To Apply For Being A Mod Later
Or Ask If He Likes The Server Much
But to me it looks like you're using the wrong template.
I have never ever seen you in-game.
For me it's a But I wish you good luck with your application
[Deathrun Moderator] Crazy Pika Application
8 years 1 month ago #463973
Can someone move this to the correct section? Thanks!
Goods: -
Neutral: sometimes little bit weird
Bads: Bad application,
the ghoster gets a warn or gets kicked or banned
You cannot ban people as a Moderator, app looks rushed, explain more in your application.
My final verdict:
Why? You have to explain more on your application. Your application is really bad and half the time I can't understand what you want to say! So take the time to make a good application next week!
[Deathrun Moderator] [Z] Pika [Z] Application
8 years 1 month ago #467581
For De Admins And Mods I Want To Say Something..
Sorry for spamming and being crazy i will hop e that my apply will be accepted but i think not
and what i said if im mod i will help the players and be nice to the staff and i hope that biwx be a CO
And Dont Think im a Psycho but im not if you are nice to me i will be nice to you can you forgive me
and if im mod i will be nice to the staff and players
]And im proud of zarp so many players in the weekend maby if we advertise it on my channel maby there will be more players
oh yeh and make a 2nd deathrun server cuz its so full in the weekend can ou pls make it
ps-[Z]Siffix [Z]]
[Deathrun Moderator] [Z] Pika [Z] Application
8 years 1 month ago #467589
I still see you as extremly immature and you're not even trying to change from what i've seen. You NEED to change if you ever want to have a chance to get staff. Hopefully I will see some improvement