So here is the new rule that has come out today. I will be asking a few questions and providing scenarios to clarify this rule to ensure that it's not exploited or misinterpreted by users or members of staff. I ask that a member of the lead team answers and clarifies these but I would like to hear other peoples interpretations of the new rule.
5.1 Cooldown - Do not raid the same base twice within 10 minutes. This doesn't include Nuke's and Bank Raids or when respawned by special server items (Defibrillators, Tactical Insertions, ETC)!
1. Player X & Y raid player Z, player X gets shot by player Z while attempting to raid the base. Player Y is sitting outside the base shooting his explosive weapon into the base, Player X waits his 3 min NLR and then comes back to join the raid.
- Is player X breaking Cooldown 5.1 as he has come back within 10 mins of his death to join back in the raid and hence liable for a warning/verbal being sent back to spawn ect?
2. Player X & Y raids player Z who is on top floor of nexus and player X places his tactical on the floor then heads up the elevator with player Y. Player X & Y get killed but player X respawns at his tactical and waits for his buddies nlr timer to end to go up the shaft for a second time to succeed in killing player Z and stealing his dank loot.
- Is player Y breaking cooldown or is he legally raiding?
- Is player X legally raiding despite waiting 3 mins for his friend to join with him?
3. Player A, B & C are raiding player D who is in the top floor of nexus. Player A goes up the elevator shaft alone and dies at the top then player B goes up the elevator shaft and gets shot up the top. Player C then goes up on the third try and Succeeds in killing player D.
- Is the raid classed as legal raid as each player is to be warned individually or is it breaking rules as they've attepted to raid more than once and hence be warned accordingly?