First of all, there is no TL;DR if you don't wish to read it all, then don't.
Thanks for Countinroy for starting this discussion with me on steam, he is a brilliant guy.
I've had mixed emotions about Zarp but since I'm drunk enough to display my emotions I've decided to write it all down,
Firstly, I would like to apologise for my behaviour the last couple of months when I used to play, I treated a couple of good staff members and lead team members badly for no reason, There are staff members who I don't believe should be in the staff team but there always has been. I lashed out on staff members because I felt angry at Zarp, Now that I've realised alcohol makes me think clearly, I've come to a realisation that I had no reason to be angry at Zarp, the community never did anything wrong to me, in fact it did only the opposite. I was angry at Zarp because it was not the same then it was in 2014, back then all Zarp was about was combat and skill, now there may be more items to display combat with but the buzz of raiding a base is not the same then it used to be, I'm not saying it is bad, I got into the new DarkRP and enjoyed it for a while but it is only for certain people, and unfortunately it is not for me.
Just to repeat I was not mad at the staff members personally it was the mixed feelings I had for the community because of my own nostalgia, which was influenced by this whole talk of "bring back Zarp vanilla" which I know now realistically won't happen.
I would like to thank the lead team for doing their job properly, I'm going to highlight 3 particular members of the lead team
Redpowder - I was a dick to you in the past, If you wan't top know why please read the above, I think you dedicate alot of time and energy into the community so I thank you for making all these years pleasurable for me during my time here.
Paramontana - Again, I chatted alot of shit behind your back and was a dick, I apologise for this, You are extremely dedicated to the community and I respect you for this.
Countinroy - I've already apologised to you on steam but you are one of the best staff members on the server right now, keep doing your job.
Now for the second part of this discussion, I'm deciding to leave the community, Obviously I haven't played actively for a couple of months now but I am wanting to move on with my life and leave Zarp behind on good terms, It was a good time and I will admit Born In Blood was probably the only factor which determined me playing, ever since I've joined the gang back in 2014 I've loved playing with the gang and managing it so a huge thanks to Gems for that, up until recently Born In Blood was the only thing that to a certain extent stayed the same since 2014, which healed the nostalgia which was burning through me as I played Zarp this year, I feel like the gang itself is dying, therefore I have even less motivation to play...
This is my last thread and my final replies will be on this thread, I've met some amazing people and the experiance has been amazing for me since 2014.
If you wish to keep in contact with me please add me on steam