RP Name: Drumtek
(the data is invalid)
Server 1:
(Data is valid \/ )
Server 2:
Server 3
I have never been on server 3
Ingame Activity:
My ingame activity is pretty much 6-12 hours a day (i have no life)
RP Related
Ingame Cash? (Screenshot not required:
I have around 100mill
mostly from selling Festive Cases and Game Cases
Previous Gang(s)?: My previous gang was Synergy
Any recent warnings? (If yes write what reason and what happened)
CDM (because before around 1 yearago it was allowed but now its not)
RDM (Tought that revenging a fellow gang member/ friend was allowed)
NLR (not sure why)
Do you have any Special Weapons? (if so list them)
I have 2 miniguns in my bank,
trying to get 100 nitro glycerine for raids,
10 Defibs,
3 RPG7's,
Craft-Able Items?:
Printerbooster x2
Rate the following skills from 0-10 Building, Raiding, Aiming:
Building: im not sure but i think its like 5-7
Raiding: like a 6-8 Pretty good at raiding most of the time ( i blow the shit out of the base and defib team mates)
Aiming: 8 i dont miss most of the time ( except if i have like a PSG1 )
Why should we choose you?:
I think you should choose me because:
Im not that egotistical(all though the "why we should choose you" makes me sound egotistical)
Im a nice person, I share my items/ money with friends and fellow gang members (if i have more than enough)
Im sort of good at raiding and building
Im a donor with 180 inventory space for raids
I have a EDF Suit, i have a decent amount of money.
Im not a Squeaker / Salty person
I didnt come up with more because sorry