A date has been found! - Tuesday, 3 January - 7 PM GMT+1 Remember to check your own timezone!
If you not signed up yet and really want to join lesson, just post that you want to join below. If you are allready signed up but can't be there at that day, report it to me or just write it in the comments and i will remove you from the list.
The last day to sign up is on sunday! so sign up as quickly as possible!
Hello Peps! So as the title says would i host some basic mapping lessons for beginners at first. I do this because i want to share my knowledge of mapping and want to help the players who don't know how to get started.
There is a minimum amount of players signed up before the lessons would hosted. Which is on 5 btw.
What would i get out of it?
This is a free opportunity to get the knowledge of how to start mapping and how to design your map nicely. You don't have to pay anything. Tho if you always wanted to learn how to make a map through hammer editor, would this lesson might be usefull for you.
When would the lessons be?
I don't know the date of when the lessons would be yet because i need to know how many people are signed up for it.
How is the lessons gonna be?
Im gonna make a powerpoint and share it with all the players, and then go step by step into the hammer editor program. The whole lesson will be hosted over a private Teamspeak channel. If you an allready experienced map creater, then this is not something for you.
How do i sign up?
All you gotta do is write on this post if you interested or not, when i see you interested will you be added on the list below.
Players who is signed up:
- Wiz_Khalifa
- DjBen
- El une Spodermun
- Clarky
- System
- Coutinroy
- Jamie
- HarryAssMent
- Mix3rs
- Bobby Bobbys
- RyanOneal
- Orang3
- Sadman
- hazzenator
- Synteks
- troublemaker =DD
- Luan
- Zoom
- Joshuaharry
Thank you for reading this thread and i hope i see you at the lessons!