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we are a gang that studies our enemy's habits research how to beat them keep knowledge of them
we are a gang that just is starting out but no matter what we can still know how to win we are a gang that gives knowledge to other people that believe lies we are a gang that sees every thing we will help there is no helper but us we are a gang that says the truth of what were doing and doesn't feed off of helping lesser people from bigger groups we are here to help not become what we said we would protect against we are a gang that doesn't care who or what you are but we care of what you will do We ArE A GANg ThAt wILL Give HopE To ZaRP JoiN Now Talk to [One of THEM] to Get INViTe - One of THEM |
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One of THEM wrote:
We ArE A GANg ThAt wILL Give HopE To ZaRP okay =)) |
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Good luck with the gang!
Ex Minecraft Server Owner
Ex TTT Super Administrator Ex SSRP Administrator x2 Ex Deathrun Moderator Ex Murder Moderator
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