Greetings. I've been wanting to elaborate and go into more depth about my "boosting weapons" idea for a while now. I've skimmed the first bit very lightly on an older post which can be seen here, if you want to check it out:
My idea:Suggestion Title: Boosting Weapons
So this idea revolves around boosting weapons. This means that weapons will have added attributes and perks. In order to obtain this attributes and perks you'll have to purchase them a boosting shop. At the boosting shop there will be 3 options:
1. Get 1 attribute for 10m
2. Get 2 attributes for 20m
3. get 3 attributes for 40m
Attributes may include:
Faster reload time
Faster firing speed
More damage
More ammo capacity
Better accuracy
Less recoil
Longer range
Piercing damage (piercing though Armour)
Less weight
How to obtain perks: Perks would rarely be obtained while purchasing attributes. The more attributes you buy the higher chance of a perk e.g. 1 attribute = 10% chance of perk 2 attributes = 20% 3 attributes = 30%
Perk list:
Explosive ammo
Piercing to walls
Damage to props
Incendiary rounds
Poison bullets
Slowing bullets
Better scope
Attached grenade launcher
This new feature could also add new upgrades such as Boosting perk which will give you a higher % on achieving a perk on your weapon or attribute upgrade which gives a better % on your attributes e.g. You get 20% less reload time with he upgrade it would be 40%
How would it benefit the server: Add more features and activities to do, drain money , give raiding and defending a new approach.
Potential Issues/Exploits: Make some player too strong if the gun has no holster time
I like where this is getting at.. The only thing that i can see a as a possible issue is that the snipers might get waaaay stronger which is not really a good thing.. IMO they should buff the rifles and the smgs and shotguns so its not just full on sniper fights all the time, its only really new people using rifles and they are getting rekt all the time because the snipers are way to strong