TimeForPug wrote:
IM going off other programming languages.
It looks like an indent is needed.
Yeah, you're right. You need to ensure your methods/statements are indented when they're declared within a function. Same goes for if selectors and so on.
For example:
hook.add("HUDPaint", "DrawMyHud", function()
local health = LocalPlayer():Health()
-- local ammo = LocalPlayer(): needs adjusted
local armour = LocalPlayer():Armor()
draw.RoundedBox(0,8,8,300+4,30+4) -- background for health bar
draw.SimpleText("HEALTH: " + health, "hudText",10 + 150,10 + 15,Color(255,255,255),1,1)
draw.RoundedBox(0,10,10,health * 3,30,Color(255,120,120)) -- health bar
When it's not indented it falls out of scope and will not execute with the function. I'm not sure if this code actually works, it was just something I blasted out quickly without thinking too hard.