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So i was on zarp and this admin (DaddyCronk) wont do anything even when rdm is happening and when i got rdmed in front of him i told him to get in a admin sit and when he got rdmed by the same guy that rdmed me he says,"well he is getting warned now." It seems like he is only taking admin sits when he gets rdm/rdaed.I asked him to help stop the rdm because he was the only staff on and he didnt do nothing he just roleplayed,i understand that he is roleplaying but if theres rdm happening all around you should do your job as a mod.I hope that this can get him retrained or tell him to be more active as a mod.As i type this he is now taking sits but i hope that you can talk to him about this.
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The staff can be pain in the ass sometimes i gotta admit but we can't exspect that they are godlike and can take care of all rulebreaks.But I am currently going for moderator! and i will surely help you out with some RDM reports but until then you gotta get proof of the rulebreak and report them here at the forums or apply for staff and take care of them your self! but if you ever feel like you have been abused by a staff member get proof and report them. Thanks for reading!
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Well i think if you experience something like this you should record it, or get some kind of evidence.. Instead of just calling them . But you need to remember that the staff members might be doing something at the time.. Maybe something admin related so please give them a chance! If you make a report i am sure it will get answered when the staff members have time
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