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[REFUND] h_printer_magik has been refunded!
[REFUND] h_printer_nuclear has been refunded! [REFUND] h_printer_gencorporangecore has been refunded! [REFUND] h_printer_gold has been refunded! [REFUND] h_printer_gencorporangecore has been refunded! I joined the S3 after the crash and I got a water and a bag of chips as I come back there was no printers down because I left when I started joining the server but when I got to the base I did "/refund all" it said "You've Already Been Refunded!" and I scrolled up in chat to see they refunded right after it said "You're Missing Zarp Content" etc etc. but they all went on ground I guess IDK this was last night. Please support this topic so I can get a refund this was a shity time when I could not place my nuclear or golds down so I did not make a lot of money. |
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You posted this before and the items were sent back to your inventory
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You already have a post for this. (RFlex that was Dankasoraus)
zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/general-d...fund-at-spawn#441214 |
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if you have proof feel free to request a refund.
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