So i've been in this community for only a few months now, when i first ever joined zarp almost 2 yr's ago, i did not like the server, and got my self banned.
When i rejoined 2-3 months ago, I was doubtful, clearly that changed as I am still here xD.
Right muppet, always abusing me in anyway possible, LOTS of banta with you bud, and you've helped me out a crazy amount since becoming staff, even if the messages with forum links and "LOCK PLZ" gets annoying xD.
If you ever leave, or I ever leave, i will miss our banta that we have. NOW you are HeadAdmin, you've worked hard, and it is well deserved.
Simmy, Grizzy
Was a right pain with you guys at the start, secretly taking our printers when we first joined xD, yet you guys keep me having fun in Zarp with some crazy things you do and how you are in TS, Personally i highly doubt i would be playing still if you 2 was not active.
First mod to handle my first F1 on server 1, was a weird sit, as it ended up with 3 admins there to help xD. You've been a nice person since
, only took a month for me to get your name right xD
Your one weird man xD, gotta love ya though, you know how to make people laugh and have a good time, You bully me and annoy me A LOT!, but like i said with brandi it wouldn't be the same without ya. You've also helped me here and there, haha nah you've helped me a lot xD, I think i need to make a name for you, as you have one for me xD
You've helped me, you and brandi where the first LeadTeam to talk to me, ever since, we've had our laughs, some during the times when me and Neon are in college xD, VERY bad influence on me hahahaha, but you are the Scottish weirdo
#BlameMix3rz xD, not much to say, your like another me xD, you help me, i help you, you bully me, i bully you xD. you with Simmy and Griz keep me enjoying zarp with your wacky thoughts and messed up behavior xD
There are the main people for me. Tyler was close to it, but we don't talk much.