Lux wrote:
Alright everyone. So by what EMP announced the Deathrun 2 server is going to close by immediate effect. He also stated that if you had suggestions for a new server now would be a good time, as that would open up a server spot.
I myself might be creative, but in case they will need ideas, it could happen that one of you had a viable idea that could be used.
If maybe we could go together to create some powerful ideas with either existing concept new features, or a completely new concept and new features. I know this would require devlopment anyhow, but if we combine existing concepts I believe it will be easier to create.
We can also move the other way around and breakdown concepts to get a visualization on how to create a new concept that would be easy to make adaptable within gmod.
An example is TTT. TTT is based on a game that is 'role'played in real life, however it also has its own features. The whole gamemode can seem simple but is rather complex. This gamemode holds 3 entities that adds to the gameplay. 3 is reasonable and easy to learn. There is a traitor, which is amongst the civillians, and a detective some tries to figure out who the traitor is. The gameplay and so on includes several features, but not so many that it makes it complex to play. It is easy and fun.
If we took TTT and implemented it in another gamemode. Could be BuildRP. Then we could make a new concept with equal features. Yes maybe this is dumb but it is all thereotical. Anyhow any concept you can make that 'sounds' reasonable, I am willing to compile into a concept that could be used.
In case no ideas happen to surface, well at least I made a try. Any concepts that holds a sense of possibility I will try to run alone on my demo server. I am no developer and therefore can only run mishmash... Hope we can get some ideas, maybe something awesome will come of it.
Use whatever form/template to describe best.
(I do not stand to guarantee anything like a new server or anything alike. I do not guarantee that any ideas will ever be used, but the idea generation is still fun and could be of help in many ways. Please try to restrain yourselves inside sanity and reason)
:b hope we can make some good ideas surface.
Also hope this can be a good discussion.
(Note: Also congratulations to Biwx V)
I quickly scammed through your paragraph, If I'm correct you are implying we kinda of merge 2 gamemodes, or at-least features withing the gamemodes to create some other gamemode?
The Problem is that is kinda more complex then it sounds, Since if you are making a server or a premade gamemode everything you may add is compatible by default to that gamemode (since darkp / ttt are popular etc) But if you are making a gamemode, you most likely will have to do it from scratch even it you are merging features.
I don't know much about developing, I made a custom RP server once with a medieval setting, It wasen't really a merge but a normal themed RP server, But it sounds good, would love to hear the devs opinion of this.