OYY. (I swear I never know how to start these topics.)
Imma tell you a story real quick.
So 3 years ago, a skrub by the name of "TheAp4ch3" joined the ZARP server. He didn't know the rules... and well, he got banned for FailRP cuz he had a machine gun as a Zombie. Yeah. You could imagine, since then many things changed. I've become a better person, then became a worse person, and now trying to be a better person again. Yay. Since then I've made so many friends, honestly, some of them I don't even remember anymore. I still appreciate you though, I just forget things sometimes. I have achieved many things on here that I am proud of. First thing we have to mention is that I (kind of) made a change by posting this suggestion:
zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/server-is...ases?start=15#116220 .
If you agree with it or not, Chute has put a lot of time into making this change possible, and this made the SSRP server even more unique than all the other servers.
Other things I've achieved is that I was high ranked In the minecraft server and also reasonably high ranked on the SSRP server (I made it to admin twice which I am very proud of).
There's a lot of people to thank so let's get right to it:
Old school people:
Phoebe aka Soxey:
My best australian friend. What a legend! Very funny aswell.
Great german guy, funny af and very nice guy.
Great german guy, went on the same class trip I was on. What a legend.
Yes I will be calling you Sierra from now on. Very friendly girl great at them bhopz.
Funniest Belgian ever, and great teammate. Hope you come back soon.
Old school bib times never forget <3 You were a great leader and still are. What a legend.
We were friends for sooo long, you are a great guy and we should play Fifa again when i have time.
The guy that lived across the road. You witnessed my bad building skills. Good to see that you're back and streaming.
Cool guy and nice beard! Great rapper
Gregory Tw!x
When you played you were my best friend, you're a great guy even if you're not gonna read this ^-^
Ohhh the fun we had xD Great Rapper aswell btw
Nutty cs go player, had a lot of fun on SSRP too. Didn't really end well, but still a great guy!
A funny lad, had a lot of fun talking to you too.
Welcome back btw
Was a great teammate, and also It was nice playing ZARP with u too.
Great guy! Loves Lasagna more than Pizza. Also legendary member of this community.
New people/People that are still very active:
Great scottish lad. Funny af. buy a new mic
Very nice person. Imma buy you something nice soon promise my friend.
Thanks for being an amazing owner. Even If we don't talk too much you're still a great guy.
Best Lead-Team member, gets wayyyy too much hate. I appreciate your dedication to this community.
Same as Chute, we basically never talk, still think you're a legend.
Nice job getting superadmin bro. You deserved it!
Biwx Voorhees
Great guy, congrats on getting Co-Owner on DR, you will do a great job.
Thanks for teaching me rocket league. You're a nice person and ur funny af
Also a norwegian immigrant
Hope you're having fun with Battlefield. Very funny and nice girl! Great Norwegian memes!
I was happy when you were happy bro! Have fun with Rocket League!
Have fun with Rocket League! What an awesome lad.
Thank you all so much for being part of my life!
If you want a mention with an honest opinion please post. Sorry if i forgot someone had to do this in a hurry. But honestly if you want to be mentioned tell me and I will put you in no worries. :>
Also to these people who are in the list, I will be making another giveaway soon just including you people.
Thanks again.