Jordz wrote:
Aw man you've earned my respect in this post, You're a really good brother and we all feel that emotional when someone we've had in our lifes gets ill or is in danger, We automatically react emotional and I'm along side you, I get angry and sad when somethings happens, You're all good buddy thanks for this topic!
Thanks Jordan

Unfortunately the cat of 11 yrs. Had to be put down. She had a blood clot in the rear side causing everything at the back half to go limp. She also had some desiese forming on herintestings.
ATM my sister's upset but that's normal. And my knuckles are swore res and 1 is crushed to be added to the other lol. Now I have 2 crushed knuckles on the same hand lol.
I try to make light of the situations that are bad or try to make some jokey references to focus the mind to something positive, at first some people just think I'm being a d**k xD