Alot of you probably wont remember me as alot of the old community member have moved onto different communitie/ and or given up on darkrp. As some people may see im gradually making a return to zarp making ure i havemy fair share of time between servers 1 and 2 but due to having 4 maths GCSE's at the start of november daily activity will be at a low. I will attempt to be on every day but mot likely case is i will be on every other day.
If anyone has any questions to ak me or want to catch up with me just add me on steam (Same and forum username) and hit me up and i need to get in touch with a few old friends. A big congratz to Morgz and Para for getting to where they are now. Of course all the staff team are very talented but morgz and para were good mates back in the days.
I wish you all a wonderful day and i hope to get in touch with some soon.