Hello guys!
Today is my 3th year in zarp, and I just wanted to let you guys know
But to fill this post up a bit Ill make a thank you list.
Wiz Khalifa: Thank you for introducing me to this community man, you learned me all the basics and stuff. Shame you started minging around, but we still hang out irl which is cool
Kapijam: many hours of Waw zombies with you, and countless hours of us trying to get me into Born in blood! luv u <3
Redpowder: No words
Apache: Came up with the "i sexually identify as an apache attack helicopter" meme. Also thank you for letting me in your CSGO team, were some good times
Paramontana: Always trying to catch me break a rule when I was a moderator
xSeppe: Kaas master
The Gamerguy: Convinced me to apply for mod, and I got it that week! luv u
And there are many other people, but I propably forgot them because they left a few years ago!
just tell me if I forgot you.
But to continue:
I had great times on this server, also great memories.