KapiJam wrote:
Before everyone complains I'm not leaving Zarp and the reason why I'm uncertain of my future has nothing to do with Zarp itself.
I need a break from Zarp, the problem is I don't know how long it would be maybe one day maybe one week maybe even a month, unfortunately that is not up to me.
Right now things are complicated in my life for me, my family relations are breaking down there are constant arguments between my mother and farther and I haven't spoke to them for a day or two and it doesn't seem like it's going to get better but who knows it might be a weekly thing or it might end tommorow who knows, Zarp is a constant stress reliever for me and I'd love to play it right now to chill out abit but in this case I gotta deal with this differently so please bear with me.
In terms of my Born in Blood leadership, I have no intent of stepping down but I just trust that BIB can understand my situation and give me some time before I can return to leading the gang.
See you all soon, hopefully
Hope everything goes well..