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playing annd allmost win some raid then got disconeted but have internet and is it broken ? and yes it server 3
When I Play Spy In Tf2 (FAdmin) |Z| Morgan (STEAM_0:1:82175) Banned Sam the Sausage (2 week(s)) (9 Recent Punishments + Exploiting, Recent Ban)
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Yes server crashed, its the second time. And its funny af cause i used my gpp and 2 gcps for 10 hours, now the server crashed and i can join tomorrow to print again with the same printers
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lel welp rip 2 mil cause buy the urinum maker and upgrade it ;v plus epic base
When I Play Spy In Tf2 (FAdmin) |Z| Morgan (STEAM_0:1:82175) Banned Sam the Sausage (2 week(s)) (9 Recent Punishments + Exploiting, Recent Ban)
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Cant you restore the uranium printer once the server is up again?
And if you duped your base you'd be able to put it back in place in no time. |
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They're back up now buddy, Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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