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TOPIC: [Elemental] Setting the record straight

[Elemental] Setting the record straight 8 years 6 months ago #383812

Many players have a problem with me. However moderator rank is there to see whether or not a player is good enough to be staff. I have over 500+ hours scattered between 3 servers. I have more activity in a day that some staff have in a week. I know what I am doing, yet people fail to want to give me a chance?. Just shows the immaturity of the community now. Good staff members aren't people that are your friends, or who you can have a laugh with. What makes a good staff member is someone who is committed, determined, knowledgeable, active, mature and enthusiastic. If you have a problem with what I do, why don't you give me a chance? See if I prove you all right? What makes me believe many do not like, is that they're either scared that a serious member of staff wants to return to bring some order back to the servers, or that they believe that I could potentially do better than they do as staff. Now I don't mean to be smug, but I could honestly do a better job than most mods or admins currently enrolled at ZARP. So for those that do not like me, or that are trying to put me down. I will always try to return as staff, you can not stop me trying. I will always happily take on board any criticism that is thrown towards me. All I can say is thank you for kicking whilst I am down. You're only making me stronger.

Many thanks,
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[Elemental] Setting the record straight 8 years 6 months ago #383813

Buddy, You may think I have a problem with you I actually don't. You seem like a really chill dude who just needs to get in to the right shape of mindset then you'll be gaining your ranks back, Yes we've not got off to a good start but I don't hold grudges and hopefully you don't either, You need to see it from my point of view, I'm just trying my best to help out everyone man, So if you still feel like I'm out to get you or what not then please feel free to add me on steam by clicking on my signatures.
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[Elemental] Setting the record straight 8 years 6 months ago #383828

I think (from that one warn request) that your knowledge of the rules is a bit outdated, which is understandable considering you've been gone for ages.
I feel that you just need time to get used to it all.
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[Elemental] Setting the record straight 8 years 6 months ago #384034

What were the reason why staff were denied too you?
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[Elemental] Setting the record straight 8 years 6 months ago #384048

It's true, to get accepted you need to be in good terms of higher members so they vote yes for you in the meeting. Rip
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[Elemental] Setting the record straight 8 years 6 months ago #384060

Yes, you should use your denials and criticisms to improve and I'm happy to see you have.

However, I cannot agree with your statement that just because you haven't gotten the rank you've applied for makes the community any less mature. You had your negatives and I spoke with you about them, and I thought that it would end then and there. As I said, your knowledge of the rules could use improvement, who's doesn't? Keep playing and reviewing the rules, i'm sure you'll get it in time.
Aspect wrote:
It's true, to get accepted you need to be in good terms of higher members so they vote yes for you in the meeting. Rip

Not true whatsoever, I don't believe that's what Elemental was trying to say in this post. To get accepted, you need to respect everyone, but no you do not have to like them. Being good with "higher" members will do you no good if the rest of the team see's negatives about an applicant.
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Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Morgan.
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