Thank you's
Old Deathrun Team- You guys were amazing.Back with me, Biwx, Jetzy, Davoody , Both Robins, And Bickels. I could go on for hours you guys were truly amazing and i had my best time at zarp then!
BIB- Ive only been in BIB for a while but its giving me a right laugh of ssrp and im really enjoying it.
Jetzy- Stuck with me through everything. Helping me in my darkest time and i have never fell out with him!
Davoody- I never seen someone soo kind. Ive never had problems with you and i wish you will come back to the community.
Spoder- Never had problems with you always stuck by my side
Bickels- You were such an amazing guy! You left the community to care for your child. Hopefully you will come back one day
Simon- The one who helped my get up the gang's. Helped me get into a-team for the first time and can somehow drop me on 10fps
Sorry if i forgot anyone.Even making those made me cringe