Viking wrote:
Sam the Sausage wrote:
I don't see why everyone is hating on me, I just wanted to tell people what happened and I'm getting shit from the players who dislike me, it's honestly really annoying when you constantly have someone hating on you
Was it necessary for you to make this post in the first place? This whole situation could've (and maybe should've) been kept private. To me it looks like you're just trying to boast and get other people's approval/acknowledgement of your good deed. If you're doing good things people will notice on their own, you don't need to tell everybody "Hey I did this good thing, everybody come read about it and tell me how good I am!"
Nope I only wanted to say what happened, then I have people like you coming on and thinking that they run the forums and give loads of shit for no reason, you honestly have no point of replying because if you don't like what I said then you can simply leave, people like you are the reason zarp is getting less popular because you have to give everyone shit.