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I was told by Chuteuk to make another thread about this
Im linked from this acount to my steam acount with the VIP in it My steam acount with the VIP in it: steamcommunity.com/id/12345612347889234234234/ The acount i want to transfer my VIP to: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198203439794 The reason for transfering the VIP to a new acount is because my current steam acount got locked for some reason by steam and i was told that my steam acount would get removed so i made new steam acount to keep playing in gmod from so i would like my VIP to be transfered to my new steam acount which i will be active on. |
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Hi CoCoBean, thanks for your post. So we can verify you as the owner of the ZARP VIP upgrade you first need to log into the account that has the upgrade and then make a new thread requesting the change. Be sure to include the link to your new Steam profile and reason for the change.
Thank you! |
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This fourm acount is allready linked to my steam acount with the ZARP VIP upgrade on it
Last Edit: 8 years 5 months ago by CoCoBean.
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Hi CoCoBean, for security purposes you must first logout of the CoCoBean account and then log into your ZARP account that has the VIP upgrade. After you are logged in on that account just post a new thread requesting the change. Be sure to include the link to your new Steam profile and reason for the change.
Thank you! |
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