Gmod Troller wrote:
Junk food is not something you want to eat while working out, try to avoid it at ALL times. It's hard to do when you have cravings. I myself am not fat but I don't have any good muscle definition but I am fit and healthy. Since the forest fire I couldn't or out besides pushups and running which was hard for me to do as I completely despise pushups. So I've been 3 and a half to 4 months without working out on a regular basis but I'm still eating healthy. For me I work out 2 days in a row upper body lower body break with repeat and on the third day instead of a break I do some core running and things that are left out. Saturday is dry land training and training to get myself used to getting my heart rate up then break on Sunday. Repeat, I am getting back to my old route again and going into working our again, last time was 5 months straight and I had definition in triceps, chest, back, biceps and fore arms, legs and I had a flat stomach and weighed at 145 pounds. Since then as I wasn't working out I cut and lost about 10 to 15 pounds. Now if I start again and remain to my diet I will get to my goal quicker in 1 to 3 months as my stomach is near flat. Eat rice or a few bananas before working out to get carbs for energy during your workout but make sure you burn it as excess carbs lead to unwanted fat.
You are doing great that's what my biceps look like now (note I haven't worked out regularly in a few months) Good job so far make sure you learn proper form or you will fuck up and damage your muscles.
Post a pic of your self !!