OptiC wrote:
Lewis_is_java wrote:
OptiC wrote:
El une Spodermun wrote:
OptiC wrote:
El une Spodermun wrote:
Paras post inspired me to train as well and lose weight this summer
finally got dem biceps
but i still eat junk food but now i balance it with some training
ty para
You should really watch a video on how to workout correctly.
i know lmao, I'm trying to cut down on junk food[/quote
Junk food doesn't matter, I eat junk food all the time, if u need help add me on steam.
You literally just said junk food doesn't matter OHMYLORD whatever you do do not add this guy he'll probably spew loads of bro science bull crap at you stop eating junk food
You're stupid lol, junk food just makes u fat, if you're going to workout alot it won't really effect you, but it's better too eat healthy ofcourse.
ok let me put this straight before you start giving more shitty adivse.
Junk food is normally extremely high in callories.
which means you cant eat much of it or you will reach your calloric expendature and go past it really easy .
For example eating 1 big mac
i could eat 2 plates of rice with lean chicken breast. instead
just for example.