Slayer11 wrote:
This is my verdict for you
1st. Immature
2nd. Massive rule breaker
3rd. do you understand what is RP is all about ?
4th. if you want to start to get friends you need to work on your attitude
6th . tho that scamming is allowed i heard you been scamming alot ..
Every time i see you , spectate you when im on duty unlike any else ive ever seen , man the rule break list isnt enough to describe you , work harder on yourself .
For the record i have never scammed one person i don't troll and i do understand what rp is about 4 i do have friends unlike a salty Slayer who goes around and false warns people... if you can show me physical video proof of me rulebreaking from today untill the 15/08/2016 then i will quit zarp for the rest of the 6 weeks holiday here in England! thats about 5 weeks now.