i dont want to sound like a dick and i may be wrong but.
Looking at "garrys" profile, its your alt.
you are lying on this thread, heres a few reason why.
#1 his recent names have been [Molly] GAMEBOSS 3 or GAMEBOSS 3
#2 he doesnt have the knife (he may have quick sold it)
#4 the trade was accepted at 5:06pm and its 19:19 when im making this, he has been offline for 2 hours and 13 mins of making this, so therefor the second he got the knife he A. traded it to someone to keep it safe B. bet it or C. quicksold it and then instantly went offline
and finaly #5 the last time he played a game was on the 19th OF FEBRUARY.
i think your trying to scam the owners for vip and 10 booster packs, nice try but next time make sure you have a good cover up.
screenshots for any proof