I would just like to thank all of the ZARP Gaming staff members for doing great at their jobs! Every single staff member! But I would just like to give a little special thank you to a few staff members for being super friendly and helpful!
Cody - Super friendly, helpful and just a great guy overall!<3
Morgan - One of the best staff members, super helpful, and super friendly! One of the best staff members.<3
Richard - A great, friendly, awesome guy.. Out-side of being a staff member he is super chill.<3
Mango Wolf - I've seen him be active ever seen his first application for moderator. Super friendly and helpful. great guy.<3
Hellforce - Ah, hellforce<3.. A super friendly and awesome guy..<3
And if there is anyone I forgot to mention, I'm sorry.. but you know who you are and how awesome you are! <3