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So i have been reading some forums from other people and i saw this forum on how admins do their job and it was preatty much negative now my thoughts on this were 50-50 but i get it.Pretyt much it was about a guy calling out aadmins not doing f1s and just rping..... Any way i think that a little of it was turue but most of it negative now i agree on that admins arent that active i have made an f1 and waited just to long i mean everyone can agree on this and the admin answers in about lets say 2 hours now i get it they are bussy but still i dont get it if your a staff why dont you just do f1s please dont get me wrong this are my thoughts like i heard so much people complaining about it and like i saw alot of admins just being afk thorught the day and not doing anything if they are active they are rping but as i said most of you admins and ye are verry active and i get it its alot of people and you neeed to handle alot of thing so ye but i really think like some of admins should be more active personally i love the server its just sometimes there is no acitve admins witch means KOS PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING IF NOT DONT REPLY
Last Edit: 8 years 5 months ago by Grumpex.
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