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Hi, My ban appeal has been denied due to not sounding sorry enough? this is out of order! What would you like me to say? "OMFG I'm so sorry! I have no life outside Gmod and this server was absolute LIFE for me!" If you actually read my ban appeal you will CLEARLY see that I indeed said That i did NOT do what i was banned for. I did NOT RDM or give DDOS THREATS! I was DISRESPECTFUL towards another players who i was in a sit with because it got heated between us both but no disrespect was towards the admin. This was also a first time offence and does NOT deserve a 1 month ban!
Unfair as fuck to deny me for not sounding sorry enough when i clearly said sorry for being disrespectful.Admin's abusing powers once again. FML. |
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Handsome wrote:
Hi, My ban appeal has been denied due to not sounding sorry enough? this is out of order! What would you like me to say? "OMFG I'm so sorry! I have no life outside Gmod and this server was absolute LIFE for me!" If you actually read my ban appeal you will CLEARLY see that I indeed said That i did NOT do what i was banned for. I did NOT RDM or give DDOS THREATS! I was DISRESPECTFUL towards another players who i was in a sit with because it got heated between us both but no disrespect was towards the admin. This was also a first time offence and does NOT deserve a 1 month ban! Unfair as fuck to deny me for not sounding sorry enough when i clearly said sorry for being disrespectful.Admin's abusing powers once again. FML. If we feel like you're not sorry for your actions we can deny your appeal. Please don't make any more of these posts. |
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