So recently there have been lots of VIP Scams, multiple have occurred in the last 48 hours. Watch out who you buy VIP or sell it too. Always receive stuff from the opposing party first if possible, if it isn't possible call an admin and ask him to be a middle man. The player giving in-game items should give the items to the admin and once the VIP is transferred give those items to the user who paid for the VIP. Always make sure the price isn't super discounted or seems fishy as it can just be a quick way of receiving money and transferring it to the other account no matter the amount. I have recently banned a user for this who scammed for only 10 mil and a T Gun, he refused to do a middle man, if this happens
DO NOT do the trade unless you are prepared to lose stuff or trust the person really well. It is suspected they are making alternate accounts and Tyler Durden is trying to solve this, be careful and don't lose your in game money or real life money because of a troll.
If any of this occurs add a lead team member on steam or most likely add Tyler durden as he is looking into this.
Tyler Durden's Steam