Main Healer: lucio
Main Defense: Junkrat/Mei
Main Attack: Reaper/Mccree
Main Tank: Reinhardt (i play him very offensive) i can play zarya pretty decent aswelll
If accepted what would your preferred team role be? Wrecking train (offensive reinhardt)
Main Healer: Zenyatta
Main Defence: JunkRat
Main Attack: Reaper
Main Tank: RoadHog
If accepted what would your preferred team role be?
Defence or Tank
Reason whys:
My main character for Defence is JunkRat . I have won most of my games with him. I am particularly good on control point maps as JunkRats has the abilities to suit the map. I have had 400 eliminations, my average eliminations is 14.
My main character for Tank is RoadHog. RoadHog is my offensive pusher this is because I hit most of my hook and I help with team pushes because of my use of his ults. .
idk if u still doing this or what, i saw u said u were not giving up ur team
anyway ill make an updated application:
Rank: none yet
Level: 55
Main Healer: lucio
Main Defense: Junkrat/Mei
Main Attack: Reaper
Main Tank: Reinhardt (i play him very offensive) i can play zarya pretty decent aswelll
If accepted what would your preferred team role be? Reinhardt (wrecking train) or Reaper (kill all)
would prefer reaper the most
Reason whys: no one stops this wrecking train ID: DeathRazor#21110
Do you have Skype/TS3: Yes, both but prefer skype
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this is how most of my reaper gameplay's look like