About me! Here I'll tell you a little about myself seeing as some people don't really know me.
Okay to start off my Irl name is Connor and I've been on Zarp pretty much when it started and before it was as massive as it is today. Blok42 Is by far my favourite map and the main reason I don't play much ssrp nowadays is because the maps are huge and other stuff like that. Zarp is my favourite gaming community and even though there are some people within the community that are complete nobs not to name anyone, I don't It's a great community with a lot to offer. enough about Zarp more about me, when I was ten years old I was diagnosed with glandular fever it really brought me down but I carried on with life and eventually was cured from it, If you don't know what glandular fever does here's an explanation
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glandular fever
an infectious viral disease characterized by swelling of the lymph glands and prolonged lassitude. Also called infectious mononucleosis.
Its short name is actually the Kissing fever.................. I know its weird but whatever. I'm a really accident prone guy and I do stupid shit a lot. My favourite hobbies are gaming and football and I like music as well. I'm also home schooled.
Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed reading about my "great" life.
Yeah not my entire life its actually a fairly long story i wasn't bullied or anything I just left cos I prefer being able to concentrate on my own rather than being in a class full of other people who think they are hilarious. Also gives me more time to dedicate on zarp if I was staff, team or just in general.