The Gamer Guy1. Why are you so awesome? ;)
2. What's your profile picture?
1. Idk
2. Some random guy with a random helmet
Jackelele1. Is our base finished and unraidable now?
2. Why is your voice sexy?
1. No i dont think our base is unraidable
2. hahaha idk
TimeForPug1. Why are you such a "great guy"?
1. idk why im such a great guy :/
Damond or Steel1. Why do people make jokes about Minecraft and (try) to offend people about playing the game but then play on your server and everything is fine.
2. What is your real name.
1. it's just that they can not make a better server itself
2. My real name is
itzsonzy1. Why do you love me so much like fluffy?
1. I'm not
Bobby Bobbys1. Is it possible to make an unraidable base on the Minecrafter server?
2. If so, how?
1. Yes it is!
2. Idk :/