Gmod Troller wrote:
Okay guys we don't need to keep going on wit this. He proved himself he needs to be a little less quick on the hammer but it's a common thing within such a large community and some people don't ue the command apropriatley. In this case it was a little extensive due to the amount from one specific member but I think if we just try to talk to him about it or one of the higher staff just makes sure he isn't to quick on the trigger next time I think it will blow over quick. He did this with me and I attempted to contact him but no response. My reasoning was a little more deserving but it was clear it was just some humour breaking out which most players who interact with me know I have a sense of humour which is a little dark but notHong offensive. If he tweaks himself up a bit and improves on this mistake he's making he should be fine and one step closer to becoming a better member of staff. Let's just lock this thread ad the ban is over and I'm sure everyone has gotten the point that he was quick on the trigger.
No definetely, I got word from Tyler that he told him I was playing "ear rape".Are you kidding me? Ask anyone that was in the MS-13 channel and I think Jim Jam was there aswell.You have to lie to staff bevause you knew you were wrong.SMH you are a disgrace my friend.Sad to see this coming from a lead team.Everything people say anout you is most likely true because I've now witnessed it myself.Never expected this from a "trusted" member of staff.
Requesting a lock , all that needed to be said has been said.