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General information
Well I am deathrun Admin
What is your steam/ingame name
What is your SteamID
Activity ingame/gametrackers:
Warnings received?:
I think I have 1 warn its been a while it happened
How much points do you currently have:
Around 5k
Why do you want to join this gang:(Minimum of 25 words)
Well I think its a best gang to join and I have my met Biwx in this gang and I would love to join this awesome GANG
What is your skill level on the following: -Bhopping (1-10)= 7 -Killing deaths (1-10)= 7 -Winning (1-10):=8 how can we trust you= so I m a deathrun admin and to be a admin u have to loyal and know rules and help people, be a trustable Guy What gang are you currently in?:NONE |
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Hey Buddy.
Post your application here, zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/24-2-sand...-team-the-old-timers? |
Human is the name for a beast that can't rejoice their life without sacrifices. Former Deathrun Administrator Former SSRP Administrator Former Teamspeak Staff
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As Jetzy said you should have posted it on the Old Timers thread instead of making a new thread.
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