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Hello, I would like to transfer my VIP to my old Steam profile as it has more in-game items.
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Just so we are clear this * steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198293515765 * is the steam account that you want linking? I also will add that this will be the last time we change your VIP to another account we have done it multiple times for you already.
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Yes, it's that steam account.
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If you want to transfer your vip and booster packs to your other account just because you got more items there why waste the owners time? Just send the items from the other account to your current one
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Your VIP as been switched to ( 76561198293515765 ) This Steam . You have changed your Steam account a couple times now so this will be the last time we do it for you in the future you will need to repurchase VIP for any additional accounts you have. If you have any issues feel free ton contact one of the Owners or send us a Contact email. If your in game you will need to rejoin with your new steam account and everything should be good to go.
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Last Edit: 8 years 6 months ago by RedPowder.
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