As you guys can see I have finally achieved 1000 posts, I would like to say a massive thank you to the people that have been on the journey with me from 0 posts!
I would like to say a massive thank you to the following people:
Jordan Johnston - Great guy, known you from the start.
Leeon - My favourite Admin on Zarp and gave me motivation along with Leeon to become staff.
Charlie - Close friend from the start, gave me motivation to become staff.
Fennster - Met you on Server 2 by Mass RDMING at Spawn, great guy!
James Stone - Had our ups and downs at the start and became friends!
He-Man - Became Admin and Moderator the same day as you, top lad.
Clarky - Great guy, known you since joining TOAO. You're a great staff member and hopefully one day you could achieve Super Admin.
Want - You're an extremely great guy, one of my good friends I've met on Zarp.
Alexzanders - Met you with Want, you're on of my good friends on Zarp along with Want. Don't change for anyone buddy.
Max - Remember playing with you when I was a user and so was you, became staff a week before me. Great Super Admin, good luck on getting Head Admin!
CaptinF1work - Had our ups and downs in the past, finally got to know you and you are a great guy. Your a great Super Admin along with Max and I couldn't ask for a better Lead Team.
Luan - Remember basing with you at the start of my SSRP career, great Super Admin.
Morgan - First ever person to train me for Moderator, your a great Head Admin and extremely a great person, I have a right frame in mind you will get Community Manager one day. Good luck!
Para - Great Head Admin, your a really nice guy. Glad to see your still part of the Lead Team!
Tyler Durden - You was a great Admin in the past, then one day got Super Admin, then instantly got Head Admin a couple of weeks after! Your a great roll model for your job and I'm glad to see your still part of the Staff Team!
RedPowder - Great Community Owner, carrying on what your doing on Youtube. I wish you the best of luck bro.
ChuteUK - Great Owner / Developer, you're doing a great job in your position and making Zarp a fantastic Server! Keep up with the great job!
EMP - Don't really know you but I've heard about you, you seem like a funny guy. Keep up with the good work developing Zarp!
Big thank you also goes to the current Staff Team, you guys are great!