TheAp4ch3 wrote:
Fennster4 wrote:
TheAp4ch3 wrote:
ǝʌıๅsʇǝʍıǝ wrote:
TheAp4ch3 wrote:
ǝʌıๅsʇǝʍıǝ wrote:
Hoi wrote:
maybie its time to finally ban guns
guns arnt the problem, people are.
Then how come america has the most shootings? It is not safe to give a deadly weapon to a random person, NO ONE can tell me that.
A gun in itself is safe, the person who owns it is the problem.
That's why "the person" shouldn't be allowed to hold "the gun", as it can cause a lot of damage when in wrong hands.
Yeah, let's take all the guns away from 500 million people just because of the 100 who aren't mentally sane and manage to obtain a gun.
If we banned guns, crime would go up, more illegal guns would show up, law abiding citizens wouldn't be able to defend themselves.
10/10 idea there buddy.
So you're saying because there's already soo many guns that it would turn out bad? Definitely an interesting opinion, but somehow this has to be stopped. People just kill others for nothing.
We need to stop guns from being able to be fired, rendering them useless in certain zones of high population.
We need to use our technology on something other than the latest iPhones/tablets/whatever. Someday hopefully someone will design a piece of technology that will literally stop guns from being able to be fired, and put these devices in places like school zones, malls, etc.