R-Flex Wrote:
Np everyone makes mistake and everyone deserves a second chance. You will be good as long as you dont screw up again
This is not an unban request though its an apology
Did anyone say he used aimbot when he was killing you?
This post is more about you bragging that you killed someone who was hacking than telling a side of your story
What are you talking about dude?
the only useful comment made by you in this topic was put in bold
Whats up with you playing 20 questions game in this topic
and whats up with you calling people out while they state how they feel about the situation
and whats up with you being a damn smart ass where its not needed?
When chute and i spoke to pug we really hoped we got trough to him that he would make that apology topic but sadly he posted it a day to late which got him banned.
I was very disappointed when you did not want your reputation to get flushed down the drain by making a apology thread.
I dont know if i can ever trust you again because you did lie to many users(( but you can regain that by working really hard)) . im glad you did not lie to me which still makes me respect you.