Sam the Sausage wrote:
Well, I might be able to forgive you in the future but for now here is why I don't. You cheated on the headshots only events I ALWAYS came in 3rd, dimitri in 2nd cause legend but that's besides the point. You used to brag about winning the events and make everyone else feel like shit. You always used to disrespect when you kill someone saying that they fucking suck, get FUCKING REEEEEEEEKT, and to just make them feel bad about themselves by using homophobia, This was even AFTER I 2v1ed you and Jetzy in industrial district, yet you still talked shit about me and loads of other players. If this stops for good then I might have a chance of forgiving you, but for now my verdict stays.
I also noticed this inside the event, He was doing some really weird and Inhuman Shit Such as Killing me on the other side of the map while he is not looking at me, To 1 tapping 10 people in less of a second, I Was very close to Spreading this across the entire Community, However I kept my mouth shut, Turns out my hackusations Were correct