So, after sleeping on the thoughts about a conversation with chute yesterday, i am writing this to publicly apologise once again. I screwed up for the 3rd time, and this time wasn't the worst, but i caused trouble for people that didn't need it. I should've really just written this straight after the accident, but i wasn't sure if i was going to stay or not, so thats one of the reasons why i've postponed it until now, and i didn't really take into account the people that i disturbed during my rulebreaking, so i didn't really feel the need to make another one of these.
Sorry to CaptinF1Rework and Tyler Durden, my actions in teamspeak were stupid, and i was just trying to loophole my way out of being banned, which obviously wouldn't work.
Biggest sorry to paramontana for causing unneeded stress and trouble for you, and thanks for apologising to me for what happened afterwards, but i realise i have lied to you enough times now, so i don't really think any sorry posts will cut it.
Cheers to Chute for showing me i should write this, and special thanks to Morgan, who without, i would probably have left.
And, finally. Sorry to All the people that were caught up in me and a certain banned players minging, we were just having a laugh at first, but it quickly ended up in the both of us being banned.
thx jam jim for motivational bans in teamspeak.