B4nQk0k: hi
B4nQk0k: i am here for your f1
|Z| Cody: so i just got rdmed
B4nQk0k: aight
|Z| Cody: help
B4nQk0k: cody was killed by russian using p90
B4nQk0k: ok
B4nQk0k: i will ban the player now
|Z| Cody: ok
B4nQk0k: banned
B4nQk0k: anything else?
|Z| Cody: thank you your the best admin ever
B4nQk0k: np
B4nQk0k: have a nice day
|Z| Cody: im going to make a forums post about you
|Z| Cody:
B4nQk0k: yay
Thank you B4nQk0k for banning that Russian XDDD