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oh i see some one removed the post i did yesterday
Well Great job! You guys are lying to other good job ! You cant handle the truth ! Nice job morgan and holly for banning me after jetzy told me to kill myself and morgan threat me on steam Good job ! Morgan ruined the economy with some ppl and the server went bad Have a good day |
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What a constructive thread!
I was reported by various people you were being homophobic and disrespectful on the server, I come on and are sent plenty of screenshots of you doing so. You are on the server, you agreed to follow the rules, and openly ignored them. Let alone a player doing this, you're a former SSRP Administrator, and Deathrun Administrator. Your only excuse for doing this was being Jetzy disrespected you and you don't care about the server as it's 'dieing'. Your attitude was completely atrocious and out of line, I let you know just because you don't like the server doesn't mean you should disrespect on it. I confronted Jetzy and he denied the claim you said he made, and you provided no evidence about this. At the end of the day, you were completely out of line and let you know this over steam, no threats involved. You need to improve your attitude across the ZARP Servers now seeing as this has affected you not only on SSRP now, but the forums aswell. TL;DR: You need to stop pinning the blame on others for your actions and wrong doings, at the end of the day you caused plenty of drama, broke the rules, and disregarded people telling you to stop, and you can't blame anyone other than yourself for that. Take your ban on both the Forums and SSRP as a wake up call that their needs to be a change. |
Last Edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Morgan.
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