Michael Smith! wrote:
Hello Morgan
. I have a few questions for you.
1. How does it feel to be such a respected member of staff and having a big impact on the community?
With power, comes great responsibility, and I took the bull by the horns and have done my best everyday I play to help others or have a positive impact. Over the years i've learned and have done my best to be a role model, a person the community can look up to. I'm happy to say and the proof is there, my attitude and motivation and dedication have proved to help a lot of members.
Michael Smith! wrote:
2. What made you want to get into administrating on servers and helping on the forum and did you think you would reach the position of where you are today when you first applied for staff?
Thank you
Well, I got Garry's Mod and I was looking for a server. I found ZARP DarkRP, I got on and was overwhelmed with the world I became immersed in as my first server. I started out staffing I guess when I bought VIP, at the time I was the only person on at night with VIP and we had access to voteban and votekick which I used to enforce server rules at the time. After around a month I applied for staff, this was three years ago. I had my fair share of screw up's and went through a learning from my mistakes process, thanks to the community team they never gave up on me and gave me another chance. From then on I never took a thing for granted and have done my best to help. Originally when I came back I never thought I'd be a 'Forum Administrator', I've always told people if you want a Lead Team position don't expect it, work as hard as you can to the point where you've forgotten about it, you'll be given it when you're ready.