Well not many people may know or care but i get banned quite alot on here for disrespect, its because i dont think about what i post and the effects it may have on the people im posting it too.
i also get warned alot on DarkRP, because i act immature in game and i come across as a user who finds it fun to break rules. I must admit i used to find it fun breaking rules but now watching things of my behaviour it just makes me feel embarrassed because i acted like a little kid. I've talked to many staff members and ive always thought about changing my attitude and trying to do good for the server instead of acting like a minge all the time.
Its gotten so bad recently, and the old reputation i built up has been completely replaced with a reputation i dont want.
I love this community and i no longer want to be known as the kid who does nothing but be annoying and a waste of time to staff members.
Im sorry for my attitude over the 6 months ive been playing the server and im going to stop breaking rules, being immature and disrespectful ect.
If you dont forgive me its fine, as i've annoyed plenty of people who will doubt i will change.
have a nice day