So I've been a staff member of ZARP's SSRP for 2 months now and it has been amazing being able to help other people out with their issues in-game! I have helped so many people out but that's not all, a lot of people has helped me out a lot too during this time too no matter what and I'm glad for that:D
No I'm not resigning.
So here's a list of thank yous I need to make:)
The Owners:
Chute & EMP
Keep up the amazing work! You both has made ZARP an incredible experience with your updates and I hope you keep up the great work!
You are an amazing Community Owner and a really friendly guy, thanks for your amazing work within the community!
The Lead Team:
All of you super admins and head admins are doing a incredibly great job! Thanks a lot for the help you guys has given me whenever I struggle when I first got staff, I hope I didn't get too annoying haha:)
You trained me for moderator and has always been the right person to talk to whenever shit happens, thanks for being a great friend and a great guy overall!
Max & CaptinF1rework
Thank you guys for doing a incredible job as new owners for the TTT server! I hope to see more improvements soon being added to the server:D
Admins & Moderators:
All of you guys are doing a incredible job with helping players out and handling those F1's! It's great to see the staff work as a team whenever one of us are struggling and is requiring another staff's assistance!
Mini Ninja:
Ah one of my best friends I have known for years, you introduced me to ZARP and it's been a shit load of fun playing with you as time flies by, now we're both admins and I do hope the future will be a great thing for the both of us!
Jordan Johnston:
My bæ<3 You're a great leader of The One And Only, along with Am1og and overall a great guy! I hope you can make it back on the staff team one day after the mistakes you have made. Takes a lot to stand up to that and I'm glad you did buddy!
Great guy! Stay mingey<3
You've been a great friend of mine ever since the day I got moderator and it's been cool talking and playing with you on ZARP! Also I do hope you can make it back on the team some day as you're a really friendly person and highly dedicated during your time being staff!
Some honourable mentions!
Holly Banker
luke (Congrats on SA btw, bud!)
Tyler Durden
Newdude TK
I may have missed some people out but I do apologize, just let me know and I'll add you to the list:)
Oh! And one last thing;
Thank you
ARP community!