From today(or 2 days ago lol) i hit 1 year in zarp.And thats a big thing for me.Thank you all,here's a thank you list!
I'll start with the 3 people i can't tell who's better
Simmy:You were always here for me,helping me,trusting me and more
Newdude TK:Great guy,great friend,trusted,i play everyday with him,eighter on private , eighter on a zarp server,won't forget your name!
Yoda:I know you for a lot of time,christmas update more exact,friendly,fun to play with,and more
Good friend,i know you for a lot of time,great guy
Thai ming/Yuuhii
Great guy,great friend,fun to play and chat with you!
BiWx Voorhees
Great friend,friendly,nice guy
Sorry if i missed anybody!Just tell me and i'll put you there!
Again,thanks all