Bigwhal wrote:
Mobile Task Force Gunner wrote:
From start to finish all you did was shitpost before meeting outcomes etc just to get people to say "Great guy" on Your topics
Then you applied for moderator and somehow got accepted.
By the way I like it when people reply "Great Guy" Because it makes me feel welcomed. Not just to Get recognized. I you have a problem with me as a staff or think something is wrong just tell someone or report it
I have nothing against you first of all
And when i said you shit posted I literally mean you shitposted, there is no need for your post when there is a meeting outcome about to be posted and when you say you feel welcomed when people say "great guy"
People are just saying that in order to get respect, you think people care for what you actually post? Maybe a few people do but most of them do not give a damn about how you feel or posted but rather for people to see their words and for them to get respect.