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I don't know if this kind of posts is allowed on the forums but since I've seen other people do it I'm gonna do it too. So I'm looking for some friends to play dying light with me (the normal one not the following). I'm a "retired" "expert" and I'd like some people to play with. If you are a scrub you can come to me and I'll give you 1500 damage weapons. Add me on steam! steamcommunity.com/id/TigerSwag/
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This is completely allowed, hope you get find some people to play with sounds like fun!
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Giving noobys 1500 damage weapons ruins the game for them, dont be a dick.
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You're right.... I'm gonna let them join MY campaign with legend level virals and night zombies and let them with their 50 damage wrench. MUAHAHAHAHA!
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