Rip ffs i just lost my nuke and only have 500k!
im so annoyed im now thinkin about quitin zarp
and gmod alltogether
if such a thing does happen i just wana say a few thanks
Mytic X Toxic -- been a good friend(most of the time)
Coolh02 --- aka PiPikatu --- great guy inspired me on zarp
Luke!-- great guy great gang officer
Bobby Bobbys
great guy !
Big Whal--- great guy -- great mod
Fred Dench Wolfie -- great guy had lots of fun
Morgan ---- there when i lost dia pikaxes ect... + great guy
Let me know if ive missed anyone!
thanks for all the fun!
William 286 OUT!
this is old news bud
so this is an update i have now decided that i will be less active on dark rp and will be more active on different zarp servers TTT, Bhop, Death Run and more
i hope yiou guys understand also i fully say sorry to all the zarp dark rp community for the mass rdm that happend the other week but i was really mad after been rdmed llike 15 times myself so i said i will quit in style droped all my money and items for the server to find and after that the server was my target so i hope you guys can forgive me i have now come back from my holiday no garrys mod or anything like that no steam not active for a week and a bit
so i am now back on steam
i have played a bit of TTT
and i feel refreshed i will not be as active on my pc as last summer i spent most of my 6 weeks on zarp and trust me i put on 3 stone in that period so i now will be spending some of my days outside in the fresh air relaxing not been stressed over looseing a rpg or a tgun OR a NUKE
i hope that we will still stay m8s after what has happend.
cya ingame sooner or later
also to say i did get banned for 2 weeks due to the mass rdm
and i am still waiting for the period to be over.
This is not an appeal